
Welcome To OP-EZY

Inside our server

This is our server

As said in the main ABOUT US article, these are the server spec.

  • A Computer made by Fujitsu:
  • Pentium II processor (266 MHz)
  • 32MB RAM (2MB powering the graphics) that was at the time of writing, now we have 128MB split over two 64MB chips!
  • ATI Rage II onboard graphics
  • 8GB Hard drive (plenty of space ;-) )
  • Slackware Linux 10.2 (2.4.31)

but people keep asking us what our server looks like on the inside, well we were never going to turn off our server just open it to take some pictures! But when the server died, we were forced to open it up to replace the PSU and I just so happened to have a camera handy, so here comes the grand tour!

The front of the server

This is the front of the server, on the front you can see the 3 1/2 " floppy drive and the 24x CD-ROM drive (we don't need a DVD or CD-RW, this is a server!) There is also the Power button (obviously) and the status LEDs, a USB port (for charging up MP3 players! ;-) ) a microphone port and a headphone port (although the sound drivers are not installed as they are not used/needed!)

Oh... what is this on the lower left hand side...?

I don't think so somehow!

Windows, on a server? I don't think so somehow! (yes James, I'm talking to you!)

"life is more open without Windows or Gates" - That quote is so true!

All the data

The 8 gigabyte hard drive is shown in the picture above, it is a Hand-me-down it has been in 5 (yes 5!) different computers! So it has had a lot of experience!

The Intel Pentium II (and an Intel Network card!)

Here is a bit of vintage technology! A Pentium II on a Slot 1 interface, man, this should be in a musium! It runs at 266MHz, at this slow speed, it doen't even require a fan to keep it cool, the large heat sinc seems to take care of it! In the background you can see the 100MBps network interface card, not really that interesting, people still use those today! Oh, do I see some RAM next to the PII prosesser?

32 Meg of RAM!

Yes but at 32MB it is easy to miss! This is the culprit for the site taking a while to load (especially the forum!) When the server is running, ALL 32MB of the RAM is in use, and everything else gets overflowed to the SWAP space (on the hard drive) The hard drive is MUCH slower than RAM, so if anything is going to be upgraded soon, the RAM is the first choice!

29/11/2006 We have now upgraded to 128MB and wow, what a speed difference!

All the server

Ah yes now you can see what is in our server, you can now see how some old technology can be recycled and used to do some background work!

And that is our server!


OP-EZY - News

29/11/2006 New RAM (128MB) the site should now load alot faster!

Ok, I doubt that this news is going to happen!

Exciting news, coming VERY, VERY soon! Watch this space!

Web mail, almost here!!

PHP scripts seem to be working (along with MySQL!)

We have a new download server that is now fully FTP based!

User Sites

This site has been tested on Opera 6, 7, Gecko (FireFox 0.9.x, 1.5), IE 6, 5.5, 5.0, IE Mac 5.2, Safari.