Learning Centre DooM - Download
How to download and play
First, get the latest version of ZDooM from zdoom.org
If you have Doom II from ID Software, put the Doom2.wad into the ZDooM directory
If you don't have Doom II, go to freedoom.sourceforge.net and get freedoom (it will also be called Doom2.wad)
Download the latest version of LCDDOOM from the link below (or if you wish, an older version)
Extract into the ZDooM directory
Run the LCD.BAT file and play :-)
OP-EZY - News
29/11/2006 New RAM (128MB) the site should now load alot faster!
Ok, I doubt that this news is going to happen!
Exciting news, coming VERY, VERY soon! Watch this space!
Web mail, almost here!!
PHP scripts seem to be working (along with MySQL!)
We have a new download server that is now fully FTP based!